Scott Lowery is a poet, musician and teaching artist who grew up in Minneapolis, and later lived nearly thirty years in the Driftless area of SE Minnesota. His brand-new chapbook, Mutual Life (2023, Finishing Line), spotlights everyday life against a backdrop of climate crisis, pandemic anxiety and at-risk democracy. These poems ask what holds us together when everything feels torn apart. Naomi Cohn calls them “fierce, funny, tender and ultimately hopeful”. Scott’s earlier collection, Empty-Handed (2013 Emergence Chapbook Prize, Red Dragonfly Press) is also newly out in an expanded second edition. His poems appear currently in Nimrod, River Styx, Ocotillo Review, Portage Magazine, and Sky Island Journal. Lowery and his wife Connie Blackburn moved to Milwaukee in 2019 to be near their young grandchildren. Find more, including workshops with young poets:
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