Journal to the Self
Journal writing is a remarkable way to open up new horizons in your life. Learn 18 different ways to use your journal for personal growth, problem solving, creative expression and life management. This workshop teaches proven, effective methods to work through emotions, clarify thoughts, find solutions, resolve problems, heal relationships, develop intuition, discover hidden aspects of the Self and much, much more. This is a 12-hour workshop based on the book by Kathleen Adams, LPC.
Workshop Length: Asynchronous for 6 weeks.
What others are saying…
"In my 20 years' experience in the Healing Arts, few things I have come across equal the therapeutic value of journaling and re-storying our journey for creating wholeness. The insights which this style of self-discovery allows for, the depths of unlearning possible, are difficult match, even in many professional settings. I highly recommend this kind of program as part of anyone's pathwork to self-awareness, self-growth, and the internal locus of control necessary for true empowerment in our lives."
–Addi Strasser, BA HTP HNC Holistic Healer